New publication on social Augmented Reality by Hilken et al. (2020)

Imagine you need to make the difficult decision to redecorate your home and choose a new wall color. Wouldn't you want to see immediately how different wall colors would fit to your decor, and even better, get immediate feedback from a friend? With AR you might just be able to get that.
We are delighted to announce that in our recent paper called 'Seeing eye to eye: social augmented reality and shared decision making in the marketplace' published in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, we offer some first answers to these questions.
We demonstrate that optimal configurations of social AR, that is, a static (vs. dynamic) point-of-view sharing format matched with an image-enhanced (vs. text-only) communicative act, increase recommenders’ comfort with providing advice and decision makers’ likelihood of using the advice in their choice. For both, these effects are due to a sense of social empowerment, which also stimulates recommenders’ desire for a product and positive behavioral intentions.
A great project together with Tim Hilken, Dominik Mahr, Mathew Chylinski, Debbie Keeling, and Ko De Ruyter!
Check out the paper here: Link to the manuscript
Hilken, T., Keeling, D. I., de Ruyter, K., Mahr, D., & Chylinski, M. (2020). Seeing eye to eye: social augmented reality and shared decision making in the marketplace. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 48(2), 143-164.